Keeping your customers moving. CAMS help you strengthen your relationships with your customers and get them back on the road.
Supporting cyclists and the cycling community
Whether your customers are insured or not, we can arrange a quick bike replacement or repair service to get them back on the road. The advantage with CAMS is that the bike sale or repair stays with you, the bike shop. There's no need for your customers to wait for an insurance company to pay out.
Together, let's keep cyclists riding and your business thriving.

What are the benefits
For your business:
A fully integrated one stop solution.
Support your customer and strengthen your relationship.
No need to use insurance companies.
A dedicated CAMS Support Manager to help you and your customer.
For your customer:
They use their preferred cycling shop.
No insurance excess to pay.
Their local shop can assess their bike.
We recommend a specialist legal team who can claim compensation for damages and losses.
A dedicated team across
England & Wales
If you are interested in working with CAMS, please contact your local support manager.
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Please call us on 0345 054 1000 and we will put you in touch with your local Business Development Manager.
Thank you.